Over-View: This semester was interesting to say the least. COVID-19 caused a large disruption on everyone’s lives and forced everyone online. As I don’t see it as too much of an issue with this software engineering class, it did cause...
Why Design Your Software? Having an idea for an app is not even half the battle. A lot of newbies and even intermediate coders can have a hard time knowing where or how to start designing their app or software....
Over-View: Fully autonomous vehicles are the dream of many people. Right away I think of autonomous taxis that are scheduled through an app on your phone that’s linked to your work schedule or calender that picks ypu up and drops...
Over-View: The spread of COVID-19 has caused a lot of panic in the world because it is a new virus that has a lot of unknown characteristics that has been killing mostly the elderly and already sick people. Because of...
OverView: Because of the covid-19 virus, there has been a stay at home order put in place for all non essential workers. This quarantine, for some, is hard because of the lack of interaction with their friends and family. My...
Near the beginning of the month, my ICS 314 class started using html and css to make shells of webpages. These mock-ups have been very basic. They only included basic <p> (paragraph), (Header), <ul> (Unordered list), and <div> (Division) to...
ESLint is an open source JavaScript linting tool made to help JavaScript programmers write clean code that adheres to some strict coding standards. For the past week we have been using ESLint in IntelliJ to check our code for errors....
Computer science can get confusing very quickly, so asking the right questions is very important as your trying to learn. What makes a question “smart”? there are many factors to smart questions, and one of the first ones starts with...
So far JavaScript seems like a powerful tool. I’ve only worked with JavaScript one time while trying to make a website several years ago so it’s still new for me. I like that it is object based like java, but...