The spread of COVID-19 has caused a lot of panic in the world because it is a new virus that has a lot of unknown characteristics that has been killing mostly the elderly and already sick people. Because of this virus University of Hawaii has taken all of its classes online and also the state of Hawaii has put a stay at home order in effect that puts restrictions and possible fines on going outside for non-essential reasons. I for one, enjoy doing online classes because of the convenience and lack of a ridged classroom setting. Online classes give me more time to myself to practice and it makes me less stressed overall.
Not much has changed for me from day to day. These days I’m mostly a stay at home kind of person. When I’m not studying I’m usually watching YouTube videos on possible projects to do or games to play. I have a lot of times on my hands these days.
My job shut down temporarily because its tourist driven but my company was able to relocate me to one of the medical centers helping screen patients as they come to the ER. We have masks and gloves and we are supposed to make the patients wait in their cars with the windows up and get the nurses. So far, the nights are quiet. Even though I haven’t personally delta with a patient yet, I feel good not only to still have a job but to be somewhere assisting with this epidemic. I only get 32 hours a week, but it helps and is better then unemployment.
There is only one class I believe will suffer because of this stay at home order, and that is Japanese. Learning another language is hard, and Japanese is one of the harder languages to learn. Being around people that speak the language you are trying to learn will help you tremendously in learning the language. because I can’t go to school or my old job in Waikiki, I don’t interact with anyone Japanese anymore besides my online class. I was also looking at the summer trip to Kobe Japan to finish off my last to Japanese classes, but cant do that anymore.
Being an at home person, there’s not much I have learned about myself I didn’t already know. I do know that moving forward, I need to try to spend as much times as I can on bettering myself while I’m forced to stay home so when this is over, I will be leaps ahead of where i would have been if this virus never existed.